After a couple more weeks in the bottle conditioning than I had expected, our Kölsch is finally done and ready to be consumed. I’ve had a couple of bottles already and have to say it tastes about like I had expected. In fact, it tastes (in my opinion), very similar to a kölsch from a local microbrewery.
Of course, I’m already working on the next batch and hopefully this time I’ll be able to post more information about what I do and how I do it. This time I’ve picked up a kit to make an American Cream Ale. I had originally planned on using melted snow to make the beer, but when I went to give it a shot, there was just too much crap in the water for me to feel safe in attempting this. In the end, I just dumped the water and will go back to using good old DC tap water … of course, I’m not sure would be worse.